Ford has already been adding some brand new technology to their cars with the implementation of Amazon Alexa. Now, they want to branch out a bit further and give you even more protection and control. With the idea of adding biometric sensors to cars, Ford is hoping to reduce accidents and injuries that are caused by more than just crashes. It's an interesting idea for sure, but with autonomous driving taking off so quickly, maybe it's time to think of other great plans for the future.
These biometric sensors will be able to track the driver. It can measure a driver's heart rate and breathing to see if the driver is falling asleep at the wheel. If it notices that you are falling asleep or seem to be drifting a bit, the car will be able to respond by taking more control or by waking you up. This can prevent late night and early morning accidents by ensuring that drivers are fully awake and ready to operate their vehicles.
Ford has also considered putting CO2 sensors into their new vehicles. These would be able to detect animals or children exhaling inside of a locked car. If the car notices that the CO2 levels are becoming abnormally high, it can alert the driver or slightly open the windows of the car to prevent death or injury. While I don't ever recommend leaving a child or animal in a car for any time period, this can help people that either forget or are just plain negligent.

Ford Wants to Add Biometric Sensors to Your Car
Posted By: ASUnreal | 0 Comment(s)
Posted On: May 04, 2017 @ 06:34 PM