Well, it's official. The Ford Fusion Energi is the very first car on the market that will give drivers access to Amazon Alexa. Have you ever wanted to tell your car to set the thermostat at home to a crisp 63 degrees? Worry no longer, for the opportunity could finally be yours. After Ford teased the use of Amazon Echo about a year ago, they said that they would be the first car manufacturer to integrate the Amazon smart technology into their vehicles. While the display screen in the center of the Energi isn't the craziest thing you've ever seen in your life, the fact that you have access to Android Auto, Amazon Alexa, and Apple CarPlay is pretty insane.
"Yes. Excuse me Mr. or Mrs. Ford Fusion Energi, can you please put on my post-work playlist, add Pinot Grigio to my shopping list, and tell me the distance in miles between the Sun and Jupiter?" You can actually do that now and get a real response back! You no longer need to ask those questions out loud in your car only to receive silence as a response. If this seriously isn't enough to get you to buy the Ford Fusion Energi, wait until you hear this.
The car comes with a built-in display that shows you your own, personal efficiency leaves! When you're driving economically, the leaves begin to grow upward so you can show the world how incredibly efficient you are. If you end up driving in the city with a lot of stop-and-go traffic, you will begin to lose leaf after leaf until your beautiful shrub is morphed into a horrendous, evil, planet-destroying shell of its once incredible self.
If you're looking for a car that can tell you just about anything, do basically whatever you want, and show you live updates on you economic friendliness, this is the vehicle you have been dreaming about. All jokes aside, this is truly an awesome car and with an MSRP of around $34,000 it really isn't a heavy hit on your wallet. If you're a tech savvy guy or gal who's looking for a sweet middle-class ride, your chariot has arrived.

Ford Fusion Energi is the First Car to Use Amazon Alexa
Posted By: ASUnreal | 0 Comment(s)
Posted On: May 02, 2017 @ 05:03 AM