People love cars. People also love Jurrasic Park. And the select bunch that loves both, there's not only an organization for you, but they've recently shown off their collection of Jurrasic Park Jeeps.

These vehicles are the modification efforts of Karen Lechtenberg, am archeologist with a fondness for the classic film, and Rob Penna, Jurrasic Park Motor Pool member. By working together, they've modified their personal Jeep Wranglers to be a real-life embodiment of the film's vehicles.

Before anything, they needed to find the perfect model. Lechtenberg's 1992 Wrangler was found in Alabama with high mileage and chipped paint. Penna sifted through 20 different local models until finding theirs in relatively good shape a few years ago.

With the right models found, it became time to modify. First was the paint, a beige coat with red trim. Then, through the assistance of Penna's father's upholstery shop, they reskinned the interior. Unable to achieve perfection, Penna settles for similar but not exact front bumper light system.

It's great to see two people's passion to manifest itself so effectively. This project took them a long time, no doubt.