The number of gasoline-powered vehicles are a heavy majority on the roads versus electric cars, but for how long? Ben van Beurden, the CFO of Shell, is trading in his current gasoline-powered vehicle for the electric BMW i3. If that doesn't say a lot, I don't know what will.
Companies are trying to do whatever they can to keep cars on the road that run on gas. Whether it's lowering prices or promising all kinds of advancements, the fact of the matter is, they are scared. The biggest competitor on the market right now is the Tesla Model 3, which is under mass-production. The car has a great range and has an MSRP of $35,000.
Compared to most electric vehicles, that's quite affordable. On top of it being affordable, it's an incredible car. People are absolutely loving it right now, more versions are going to be made available next year, and it's a serious threat to oil and gas companies. Once more charging stations open up around the United States and consumers who recently purchased gasoline-powered vehicles start needing a replacement, I think the country is going electric.

Tesla Model 3 is Scaring Big Oil and Gas Companies
Posted By: ASUnreal | 0 Comment(s)
Posted On: Jul 31, 2017 @ 09:15 PM