It looks like somebody made a mistake over at IndyCar while a tweet about Donald Trump Jr. slipped through the cracks. I'm assuming that whoever posted this thought that they were on their personal account, but they weren't. People were very quick to take screenshots, reply to the tweet, and crack jokes. The tweet was quickly removed after posting and is no longer on the IndyCar account.

The tweet read:

Not saying Donald Trump Jr. Is becoming a liability to the Russians, but don’t sell off your Polonium stocks any time soon. #itswhattheydo.

Hey, mistakes happen and we really can't fault the person. I mean, it's so simple to lose track of the account you have logged in, especially since you can change everything in 2 simple finger taps. They took care of the issue and removed the tweet right after. Nobody is too upset about it, so I think we can let this one slide for now. Better shape up though IndyCar. Once is fine, but twice will cost you your job.