Well if you were hoping and waiting for the next generation Nissan Z to come out then you'll be hoping and waiting quite a bit longer.

It's something Nissan Enthusiast have feared for awhile and In a recent report from Motoring, a former Managing Director of Nissan Australia, Richard Emery confirmed that the new model is on ice for quite awhile longer...

“Even we don’t know and we would know if there was something pending, so there’s nothing pending. Not any time soon.”

Other Nissan suits have come out on record saying that they aren't focused on the Z which is quite sad.  I know we were all salivating over the prospect of a turbo charged 3.0 liter Nissan Z roaring onto the scene but that is now in doubt. Who knows if those specs will even come into play in a new Z car?

It appears that the next generation Nissan Z might go the way of the Nissan IDX.  Let's hope not!