It's official, guys. Automobile magazine is going to be relaunching in August with an amazing goal. They have said that they're officially read to cater to the "modern-day car guy". This has been a social issue for a very long time now, and I know that I always feel ridiculous when I pick up a car magazine. Judgmental eyes bearing down on me, making my knees shake as I slowly hide the magazine and get mad at myself for looking at it in the first place.
After some research, the magazine has determined that the aforementioned "modern-day car guy" is a man with many interests and aspirations. Just because I enjoy video games, it doesn't mean that I don't like cars. With Automobile magazine, I will be able to explore all of my passions and know that I'm just one of the guys.
Instead of focusing on female readers, like the majority of car magazines, this one will be just for the fellas. All jokes aside, I can't even believe that a company would come out and say this. Maybe I'm taking it the wrong way, but don't women need to be represented a little more in these magazines? I mean, come on. When was the last time you heard a guy say, "I don't think society wants me to look at a car magazine. I'm a guy. Aren't cars normally a girl thing?"
Never. You've never heard somebody say that in your life.
Men Finally Get a Car Magazine Made Just for Them
Posted By: ASUnreal | 0 Comment(s)
Posted On: Jun 15, 2017 @ 09:08 PM