Yeah, you can’t make this stuff up I swear. A teen by the name of Logan Wright from Grove City, Ohio started a GoFundMe account to pay for his ticket he got for street racing his Honda Civic against a Ford Mustang!

He claimed he was speeding in order to get to work but a Mustang blew by him so he didn’t want to be a “pussy” and get beat so he got into a bit of a heated street racing battle. Here’s his posting if you’re too lazy to click through and donate to his dumb campaign, lol.

So on today on Memorial day I was driving to work in my Honda Civic at 9:40 trying to get there by 10:00 because I'd enjoy not getting fired. As I was driving there some dumbass Mustang passed me going around 80 flipping me off. I wasn't gonna be a pussy and lose to a Mustang on freedom day so I kissed my USA lanyard and my picture of Stone Cold Steve Austin, the best damn wrestler to ever live and started buring the bald eagle piss. I pass the Mustang and turned up my Van Halen CD. As I was slowing down to tell the Mustang to eat shit a State Highway Patrolmen pulls out and gets my dumbass. Now I back the blue and my country through and through so I wasn't mad at him for pulling me over but the Mustang that thought he had big enough nuts to dust me. So the Patrolmen comes to my window and says"What do you have in this thing?" and I said "bald eagle piss and freedom sir" then he replied with "You know how fast you two were goin?" and me being the smartass I am said "Well I was slowing down to give both of you a chance." He didn't like that too well. Moral of the story is I got a ticket. But I did dust the Mustang so it was worth. The money donated is going towards the ticket because I spent all my paycheck on race car parts. Any extra money, if I'm that lucky, will go towards Busch Light and AC/DC CD's. Have a blessed day America!

Murica, yeah! To date, he’s racked up $936 dollars in donations. Well past his $500 goal! The donations seem to be coming from mostly normal people with the exception of the “Minivan drive from Iowa” or the “Ford Motor company”, lol, yeah right! I hope this kid donates this but more than likely he’ll just buy a fart cannon exhaust to make his slow ricer Civic louder! Ugh.