The consistent modification of the Nissan GT-R have been allowing them to keep hitting new top speeds. AMS Performance has taken this to a new level when it managed to run their GT-R a quarter mile in under 7 seconds. This lit a fire underneath Extreme Turbo Systems (ETS) to reclaim their previous record.
When AMS broke the record it was at 6.937 seconds and had reached a speed of 192 mph when it broke into the size second zone. After a warm up, ETS was ready to put their GT-R to the test. In its first genuine attempt at the record, the ETS GT-R was marked at 6.91 seconds and a top speed of 192 mph. They had beaten AMS and taken back their throne for shortest time with the GT-R, but they weren't done yet.
Perhaps the boost was too much, as the GT-R appeared to have been struggling with traction almost the entire length. It must have taken Driver Lucas English considerable effort and skill to maintain control during that run. So they ran it again, this time cutting back on the boost. The additional traction was the trick, as they clocked in this time with an astonishing 6.88 seconds and 222.93 trap speed.
The advancements still being made to the GT-R continue to build and amaze as we achieve speeds greater than many personal air crafts. Congratulations to AMS for their achievements.

Healthy Competition over the Nissan GT-R Quarter Mile Best Time
Posted By: LizardRock | 0 Comment(s)
Posted On: Sep 29, 2017 @ 01:12 PM