A Craigslist scammer was arrested yesterday after scamming two potential buyers. The 18-year-old criminal would have people come out to take a look at his mother's 2003 Toyota Echo. He would tell them that she barely drove and was looking to get rid of the car. Naturally, the potential buyers wanted to test drive the vehicle before spending the asking price of $3,500. The seller told them that he would need some cash in order to let them do that, in case they ended up driving away during the test drive.
The first buyer handed out $700 for the test drive, while the second driver handed out $500. Keep in mind, these two buyers went out on separate days. They weren't together at the time of the scam. After receiving the money, the buyers went out on their test drives and returned. The seller would then direct them to the trunk area.
Once the buyer got out of the vehicle post-test, the seller would quickly get in the car and drive away with their cash. The two buyers both alerted police and the seller was caught in a sting operation. When police arrived, he attempted to drive away, lost a tire, sideswiped a vehicle, and the police got him. The mother of the criminal said that she had no idea he was using her car to do that and was very upset. The teen was booked on "felony eluding" and will be charged with two gross misdemeanor theft charges.
Craigslist Scammer Uses Toyota Echo to Steal Money
Posted By: ASUnreal | 0 Comment(s)
Posted On: Jul 15, 2017 @ 05:12 PM