Driving recklessly is dangerous and should be avoided. This is a no-brainer. But now Volvo isn't waiting around and hoping people will drive safely. Instead, future Volvo models will have a speed limiter installed.

According to an announcement by Volvo on Monday, any and all vehicles with a 2021 model year or later will have a hard cap at 112 miles per hour.

The automaker wants to bring the idea of changing driver behavior with new car technology. They're starting with speeding, but future projects will also look at intoxicated drivers and distracted drivers. This entire focus is part of their Volvo's Vision 2020 program, which aims to have no driver suffer severe injury or death when driving a new Volvo.

The reasoning behind the cap of 112 mph is that no matter how much safety technology you have in a car, it can't save you at high enough speeds. So in turn, the limited those speeds. It would only affect those who driver dangerously fast, after all.

I can get behind this idea. A family once tried to sue Tesla after their son died going 120+ mph in a car crash. But I also know that people are stupid, and will pay someone to remove the limit.