The Chinese security research firm Tencent Keen Security Lab was able to show their abilities once again this year with the Tesla Model X. Last year, the team was able to hack into the Model S, helping Tesla improve their security for the vehicle. Well, it looks like the Chinese team wanted to up their game this year and even created a personal light show for all of us.

Tesla introduced a firmware code signing system in their new Model X to attempt to stop hackers dead in their tracks. Clearly, it wasn't enough. As you can tell from the video down below, the Tencent Keen Security Lab was not only able to open the doors, open the truck, and remotely control the brakes. They were also able to remotely operate each individual lighting sub-unit.

This shows that hackers can pretty much do whatever they want with the new Model X, unless Tesla upgrades their security. Keep in mind, tests like this are very common and are only used to improve security systems. Odds are, nobody is going to start messing with your brakes on your morning commute in your new Model X.