With electrics and flying cars on the horizon, we're bringing the sci-fi future to the modern-day. And one excellent example of this advancement can be seen with Jaguar Land Rover's latest project: a 3D virtual dashboard.

The way that driving information is displayed has undergone some impressive advancements over the last decade. What started as gauges and dials became digital screens. Some of the more advanced systems even have the information embedded into the windshield. Jaguar Land Rover wants to take it a step further with projecting their imagery into the world as augmented reality.

The technology, developed by the Center for Advanced Photonics and Electronics at the University of Cambridge, does more than show information on the windshield. It senses the road shape and distance of the road ahead and projects the imagery accordingly. This makes it appear as if the information is actually on the road ahead.

According to Valerian Meijering, Human Machine Interface & Head-Up Display Researcher for Jaguar Land Rover, the technology can improve driver reaction times and maintain "eyes on the road" time. This means fewer crashes due to surprises or distractions.

Jaguar Land Rover also mused on the idea of using the technology for entertainment purposes, such as 3D films.

Details about the new tech and if/when it might come to modern cars remain unsaid. Though given the complicated nature, and the uncertain legality of displaying information this way, it might be a few years.